What if I am scared of horses?
It’s ok to be scared because guess what you don’t need any horse experience to participate in the experiential activities with horses. Just be open to the experience and a desire to discover.
- new things and the possibilities that these clairsentient beings have to offer.
- You can always choose whether you want to participate in the activity or not.
- In order to experience the activity to the fullest I would encourage you to get fully engaged with the horses and go out of your comfort zone to get the most out of your time!
Will I be riding the horses?
More than likely not 90% of our horse activities are on the ground.
- Some exercises may have you sitting on a horse bareback with safety handlers on each side. Remember this is always your choice!

What is life coaching?
Life coaching is an effective way to help you have a BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER MORE kind of life. It’s a co-active process between coach and client where we identify your goals, identify your point A and develop a plan to get to point B, and most importantly figure out why you’re comfortable with what is good and not wanting what is great.
- My job as your coach is to help guide you toward your own answers, hold you accountable and help you tap into your hopes, dreams and greatest desires.
- Life coaching will help you create the results you seek in both your personal and professional life.
What is the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGC)?
The German word Gestalt means to make whole. EGC Method was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989 of the horse-human healing movement. This experiential method of healing involves the horses and I as active co-partners in you the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness and the Gestalt methodology assists the client in discovering their life and choices made them who they are and focus on designing a plan to create different results. To learn more visit egcmethod.com.
So what exactly do you do?
I take the Equine Gestalt Coaching experience and blend it with life coaching.
- I then take 10 years being a criminal defense lawyer where strategy and calculated risk paid off.
- Sprinkle in energy work and intuition to make magic happen with you and the horse.
- Each session is customized specifically for YOU. This is a one of a kind experience!
Do you work with people besides lawyers?
Yes, I work with anyone who wants to make a difference in their life.
- I work with anyone who has been involved in the legal system (victims, defendants etc).
- I also work with couples and families who are thinking about or currently involved in a divorce.

What will I learn about horses?
You will learn how horses are clairsentient, how they can read energy, and how they are the best lie detectors on the planet. You will experience their capacity for unconditional love and healing humans, from the horse’s mouth no pun intended!
How do I prepare before coming to the ranch?
Arrive about 5-10 minutes before you’re appointment to sign a safety release and coaching waiver.
- Come with a open heart and open mind.
- You may have been prompted to call and make an appointment when you had something that was bothering you.
- Be open to whatever arises in the moment at the ranch that you’d specifically like coaching on and we will proceed from there!
- We will start wherever you’re at RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!
- The Whisper of the Horse Echoes the Spirit of the Soul!
- Horses have an mystical ability to sense and stir things up inside us which will bring an issue to the forefront of your mind.
- This is what makes this experience so magical!
- You will receive coaching on whatever you’d like, whether it was for the prior issue you called about or a new one.
What do I wear to the ranch?
Closed-toe shoes or boots.
- Depending on the season in Colorado the weather can change.
- I suggest dressing in layers.
- It is always easier to cool off then to warm up!
Where does the coaching happen?
Majority of equine coaching takes place inside a beautiful indoor arena. Feel free to bring snacks. We provide tea, coffee and bottle water for every participant. When weather permits, we also spend time outside in the various horse pastures with the horses.
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that if you cancel (or need to reschedule a private session) less than 24 hours before a session, group or retreat, the full amount will be charged and is non-refundable.
If you have any additional questions, please email me at andrea@witherswhisper.com or call at 970.682.4405 and I’ll get back to you ASAP!
“Andrea, skillfully took me back to a point in my childhood of pain and isolation. She guided me to a place where I could recognize and start releasing the pain and move away from the sadness and depression that have been with me too long.”