Where did your passion go?
It’s time for your wake up call …
Do you sometimes look around your life and wonder what happened to your happiness?
Clients demand all your time until there is none left for you or the people you love — until you are filled with resentment and even, sometimes, anger.
Or maybe you’ve found yourself at the mercy of a situation where you have no control — a divorce or lawsuit — where fear and frustration are the overarching themes in your life.
It can feel like there is no way out — but there is. It starts with a simple phone call — a first step on the trail to a happier future.

Ready to Get Started?
Where did your Passion Go?
Who can benefit from coaching?
Individuals and Families
Justice — It’s Just us. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges or is consumed in a legal situation, the stress can take a huge toll on your life.
Andrea’s coaching can offer you a chance to reclaim your ability to live your life to the fullest. You can participate as an individual or include key family members or loved ones to make this opportunity the one that really helps you move forward in your life.
Legal Professional
Lawyers, judges, paralegals, law enforcement professionals who are experiencing stress in the workplace are the perfect candidates for working with Andrea.
If you’re questioning, “Is this what I signed up for?” it’s time to get to work.
This is the life path Andrea herself has lived, now let her coaching help you create balance in your life and find what makes your heart sing.
Fighting with someone you love is never easy — but sometimes, if you can approach it from a place of positivity, it can get resolved with less pain to both parties.
With Andrea’s coaching, you can discover who you are in this new space, where you came from and why you operate the way you do. You will learn communication skills and personal knowledge that can lead to resolutions.
Our Clients Love Us!
Prayer Ponies and Sponsored Coaching
For the Children of Prison Inmates
This holiday season and beyond, Withers Whisper and Prayer Ponies are teaming up to sponsor love, understanding, and awareness in the lives of children of prison inmates. Donations allow us to sponsor disadvantaged clients through our life-changing 90-day coaching program.
The Prayer Pony Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization.

I lived my life in a constant state of stress serving other people until…
The day I was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
As an attorney, I am very successful. Which means my life revolves around clients and their needs. Their needs — not mine. The realization I hadn’t lived my own life was like a gut punch in the days that followed my diagnosis. You know — you take on a career that focuses on others with long hours, expensive education, high expectations from everyone — and then, one day, you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering how you got to the place you are.
My journey didn’t end with a brain tumor — it actually began with one. I learned how to better balance my life, an act that takes practice and love. I learned I had a gift for helping others see their true selves — those tiny whispers of their own humanity hidden behind their to-do lists and dockets. Now I want to help you overcome what I overcame — what it took a brain tumor to show me I needed to do to live a life true to myself.
It's not a coaching session, it's a life lesson
Keeping up with Withers Whisper
The Blog
Withers Whisper hosts a blog full of educational and engaging content on topics ranging from personal growth to couples worksheets.
National Coach Academy Interview
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Brandon Baker with Life Coach Path and National Coach Academy. The National Coach Academy's main objective is to enable aspiring coaches to reach their full professional potential. One of the most effective ways to educate...